In the mean time have fun making yourself over in the virtual makeover-o-matic by clicking on this link http://makeover.ivillage.com/makeover/index.jsp. You can waste lots of time doing stuff like this! Woo Hoo. Thank you iVillage...the largest network of resources for women.
Oh and Lizzy "really, really, really loves Ravioli". Especially for breakfast. Why, "because it's so yummy". (exact quote)

Keep it! I like it.
A little longer and you could do "The Fonz." Just something to consider.
you all must be wondering...why? Well, he makes me laugh.
Cut it, hippie! Or grow it like the Fonz -- I don't care. Whose blog is this again?
I like it longer!! It brings out your attractive left nostril!!
Huh, I like it long... surprisingly (not referring to the virtual makeover)!
Hmmmm... Do you know any movie-star vampires that have helped you with your styling prowess? (Again, not referring to the virtual makeover, but the real thing). I'd say it looks a little Robert Pattinson-ish if you ask me... but I digress.
This is your good pregnant friend.
I only have 1 day of being pregnant left. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Napoleon Dynamite style!
I don't have an opinion on your hair but you do make me laugh. Thanks for the props on your blog. I will be posting pics of new baby very soon.
Too Funny! The virtual make-over is YOU baby! Haa!
I say cut the sides but I like the top when you lift it...not so much when it is flat...but my hubby never listens to me when it comes to his hair - so just let us know what you decide since you'll do whatever you want anyway! ;)
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